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Which PFM tools and download methods are compatible with STCU online banking?

STCU supports Intuit products and works with Intuit on troubleshooting and connection issues. These personal financial management (PFM) tools are typically capable of performing automated transaction downloads from STCU:

  • Quicken for Windows/Mac
  • QuickBooks Windows/Mac
  • QuickBooks Online

*Note: STCU provides limited troubleshooting assistance for platforms not owned by Intuit. If you are experiencing troubles downloading transactions to any of the PFM programs or sites listed above, we encourage you to first contact the maker of the program or site to handle technical support for their specific product.

STCU is not able to provide instructions on how to operate your PFM program or sites. In addition, Intuit has discontinued some older versions of Quicken and QuickBooks, which may no longer function properly or support transaction downloads.

Why won't Quicken or QuickBooks download my transactions?

(Before attempting the steps below, check to make sure your version of Quicken is up to date by visiting Quicken Update Support.)

If using an up-to-date version of Quicken, try these troubleshooting steps below to correct issues with Quicken transaction downloads:

Step #1: Quicken may be trying to connect to our previous online connection. To make sure Quicken is downloading from the correct "financial institution" name:

  1. Right click on the account.
  2. Choose "Edit Account" or "Edit Account Details."
  3. For STCU personal online banking and Legacy business online banking, ensure that the financial institution name says "Spokane Teachers Credit Union-new." (The "-new" must be in the name).
  4. For STCU business online banking, ensure the financial institution name says “STCU Business” for Web Connect or Direct Connect.
  5. If it doesn't match this, deactivate each account, change the financial institution name, and reactivate each account.

Step #2: If the financial institution name is correct, try completing an Update Now process rather than the usual One Step Update process.

Step #3 If you are still getting an error, you must deactivate and reactivate your accounts in order to re-sync them. Linked below are instructions provided by Quicken on how to do so:

Deactivate online banking services for a Quicken account

Deactivate online banking services for a QuickBooks account

Quicken only: Activate an account for online services

Why must I deactivate and reactivate my accounts for Quicken to download my transactions?

STCU and many other financial institutions that use Quicken's connection method experience similar problems, and must rely on deactivating and reactivating Quicken accounts on a periodic basis. Intuit is aware of this problem and is working to find a solution.

If you've been affected by this issue, we encourage you to contact Quicken Support and request that they review your Quicken log files to determine the cause of the connection failure.

Why are today's transactions not downloading into Quicken?

When you download your transactions from online banking into Quicken, the file will only include transactions from the previous business day and backwards. The current day transactions will not be available for download until the next business day.

However, if Quicken is still not downloading transactions from a previous business date, it is possible that the Quicken program is experiencing a common One Step Update connection error. To resolve this, complete the following steps in Quicken:

  1. Click on one of your STCU accounts in Quicken to view your transaction register.
  2. Just above your transaction register, on the right side of the screen, click on the "Account Actions" button.
  3. Click "Update Now."
  4. Follow Quicken's on-screen prompts to update transactions as usual.

Using the "Update Now" tool instead of the "One Step Update" tool accomplishes the same result,  but tends to encounter fewer errors.

If Quicken is still not downloading transactions from the previous date, you must re-sync your accounts by deactivating and reactivating them. Open the links below for Quicken's instructions:

  1. Deactivate online banking services for a Quicken account
  2. Activating an account for online services

What do I do if I am having trouble connecting my accounts with Mint?

If you get an "Account not found" message from your Intuit online product, such as, Quicken Online, or QuickBooks Online, there may be a disclosure that you have not yet approved on STCU's website. Log into your STCU account and check to see if you have agreed to all disclosure pages presented when you sign in. After agreeing to the terms, sign back into your Intuit online product and try syncing your accounts once more.

If you still cannot sync your accounts to your Intuit online product, please contact Intuit directly using the support links provided within your product. For Mint users, click on the Get Help link in the upper right area of the website.

What is the online banking feature of Quicken and QuickBooks?

The online banking feature of Quicken and QuickBooks allows you to receive transaction downloads directly from your STCU accounts. Transaction downloads help keep your accounts up-to-date, improve the accuracy of your recordkeeping, and simplify reconciling your monthly statements.

You can download transactions from STCU directly into Quicken or QuickBooks and compare STCU's records to your own. When a check clears, your account or a debit card purchase is processed, and you'll get the details the next time you download. Note: The download file will only include transactions from the previous business day and backwards. Current day transactions will not be available for download until the next business day. Quicken and QuickBooks also have the ability to automatically download your transactions on a scheduled basis, saving you time.
